Daniel Oswald




Profile Information:

About Me
There was music in the air - for it was just before the Woodstock era - when Daniel Oswald saw the light of day on 24 May 1968 in Basel. He did not want to miss this concert! Even as a child, music fascinated him. If he listened to harmonious sequences of sound, he immediately caught up with reality and was "in another world".
In the fourth grade, he wanted to be able to play guitar just as well as his tutor with the beautiful blue eyes. He listened to Elvis Presley's songs on an old Lenco record player, sung with a "fictitious English", until the needle of the tone arm almost glowed. Thus he daily trained his vocal bands and his vocal volume.
On an air-driven Bontempi organ DANOS tried to accompany his songs. He still does not know about sheet music, but that was never an obstacle for him! DANOS has a very good hearing and a good sense of rhythm and harmonious sounds.
In 1982 the new class teacher of "DANOS" discovered his musical talent. The instructor showed him different fingering variations on the guitar, and "DANOS" practiced - until his fingers blew! He soon mastered all of the accompanying features and his dream of the fourth class had been fulfilled.
In 1985, he began to compose his own melodies. For 20 years he has sung in "his found English" to the songs. On December 12, 2006, he started the first attempt to write a text in MundArt. This was the beginning of a new music period from DANOS - and the start to the CD "It muess nöd immer Englisch si".
The CD baptism is the result of the work of the last four years. During this time, DANOS worked continuously on his works. In addition to the songs, he has also produced a drawing film "dr Zivilschutzkeller", created his own pastries and caricatures to his songs. Let yourself be carried away from the songs into a "different world", and enjoy the humorous, playful creativity of DANOS ...
How did you hear about us?
Poze radio /
Profile Type
singer & songwriter
What is your primary genre/style of music?
Different style, Folk, Country, Pop , ballads
singer & songwriter

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